
Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

SWK E² Institute for Energy Technology and Energy Management
The research focus of our institute lies in the analysis and optimization of energy systems and processes from a holistic technical and economic perspective. The energy systems examined are mainly from the fields of renewable energies, conventional heating, cooling and power plant technology as well as industrial energy systems. As our approach is interdisciplinary, we always take economic and ecological aspects into account.

Project manager:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Gennat

University of Duisburg-Essen

Chair of Mechatronics

Since the introduction of the term “mechatronics” around 30 years ago, mechatronics has developed into a well-established and indispensable discipline in the engineering sciences, both in science and in industry. It deals with the interaction of mechanical, electronic and information technology components. The Chair of Mechatronics is also intensively involved in the simulation of traffic flows.

Chair of General Psychology: Cognition

The Chair’s research focuses on cognitive and affective mechanisms of human decision-making behavior. They use experimental psychological paradigms, neuropsychological test procedures and questionnaires. In addition to behavioral data, the chair also uses physiological methods to measure changes in heart rate, skin conductance, (stress) hormone concentration or brain activity.